Friday, July 28, 2017

Instrument and questionnare for language attitude

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Language attitudes means attitudes towards “all sorts of behaviour concerning language, including attitudes toward language maintenance and planning effort” (Fasold, 1984:148). In addition, attitude objects also attitudes to language variation, dialect and speech style, language learning, language lessons and language preference (Baker, 1992:29).
Operationally, the data on language attitudes can be acquired from a self-constructed questionnaire which reflects the five personality traits namely: self-image, inhibition, risk-taking, ego-permeability and ambiguity (Sidek, 2009:72).
Language Attitude Instrument

Student is able to determine about his self-image.
Student is able to identify inhibitions he may have while taking the learning process.
Student is able to take a risk while encountering problems in taking the learning process.
Student is able to maintain the ego-permeability while taking the learning process.
Student is able to determine the ambiguity he may have while taking the lesson.
Total of Statements

The following is one model of language attitude questionnaire:
strongly disagree
neither agree nor disagree
strongly agree

1.        I think I’m a pretty good language learner.         1          2          3           4           5

2.        Learning a language may be important to            1          2          3           4           5
my goals, but I don’t expect it to be much fun.

3.        My language learning aptitude is probably          1          2          3           4           5
pretty high.

4.        I don’t have any idea about how to go about      1          2          3           4           5
learning a language.

5.        I think that I could learn pretty much any           1          2          3           4           5
language I really put my mind to, given
the right circumstances.

6.        I worry a lot about making mistakes.                   1          2          3           4           5

7.        I’m afraid people will laugh at me if I don’t       1          2          3           4           5
say things right.

8.        I end up trembling and practically in a cold        1          2          3           4           5
sweat when I have to talk in front of people.

9.        I find it hard to make conversation even                         1          2          3           4           5
with people who speak my own language.

10.    I feel a resistance from within when I try to       1          2          3           4           5
speak in a foreign language, even if
I’ve practiced. 

11.    It is a mark of respect to people to learn              1          2          3           4           5
their language if you’re living in their country.

12.    I like getting to know people from other             1          2          3           4           5
countries, in general.

13.    Speaking the language of the community            1          2          3           4           5
where I’ll be living will let me help people
more than I could otherwise.

14.    I don’t like the idea of relying on speaking         1          2          3           4           5
English (or my mother tongue)
in another country.

15.    I think the people of the country where I’ll         1          2          3           4           5
be living would like for me to learn
their language.

16.    I won’t really be able to get to know people       1          2          3           4           5
well if I don’t speak their language.

17.    There is a right and a wrong way to do almost    1          2          3           4           5
everything, and I think it’s my duty to figure
out which is which and do it right.

18.    It annoys me when people don’t give me a         1          2          3           4           5
clear-cut answer, but just beat around the bush.

19.    You should say “yes” if you mean yes and         1          2          3           4           5
“no” if you mean no. Not to do so is dishonest.

20.    You have to understand people’s culture and     1          2          3           4           5
value system before you can be sure
whether some things are right or wrong.

Baker, C. 1992. Attitudes and Language. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Fasold, R. 1984. The Sociolinguistics of Society. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Sidek, Harison M. 2009. Personality Traits and Language Learning Attitudes among College Students. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar Bil Juni (67-85)



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