Thursday, July 27, 2017

Instrument to measure students' pronunciation skills in

In learning English, students must be able to pronounce the words clearly and correctly, so, eveybody who hears words can understand what is being talked. Richards and Schmidt as qouted by Khasyar define pronunciation as the way certain sounds are produced. It means that pronunciation is the study how the sounds are produced by someone when speaking.
In pronunciation there are three aspects studied, namely sounds, stress and intonation. (1) Sounds, students learn how to recognize and pronounce the various sounds in the English language. (2) Stress, students learn to recognize and pronounce the word, phrase or sentence with the emphasis on certain syllables. (3) Intonation, students learn to recognize the patterns of intonation in English, because intonation can result in a change of meaning.
The   instrument   for  students pronunciation skill is aimed  at  figuring out the students ability to pronounce English word through pronouncing some English words, phrase, and clause after having treatment of learning process. The following are the instruments for measuring students' ponunciation skill according to Brown in Khasyar:

Equivalent to and fully accepted by educated native speakers.
Errors in pronunciation are quite rare.
Errors never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the native speaker. Accent may be obviously foreign.
Accent is intelligible though often quite faulty.
Errors in pronunciation are frequent, but can be understood by a native speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak his language.

Referensi :
Khasyar, Meita Lesmiati. (2015). The Effect of Teaching Media and Learning Motivation on the Students’ Pronunciation Mastery. Jakarta: Unpublished.



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