Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Part of speech problem

1. The . . . .of the new building will start next month
A. constructive
B.  construction
 C. construct
D. constructed
                                       picture linked to partofspeech.org

2. Mr. Hatory was very ____ when he got a promotion.
(A) excite
(B) exciting
(C) excited
(D) exites

3. The globe and the olive branches on the flag of the United Nations _______ world peace.
A. symbol
B. syimbolically
C. symbolize
D. symbolic
4. These addresses should be listed in ____order.
(A) alphabet
(B) alphabetize
(C) alphabetically
 (D) alphabetical

5. The lecturer spoke so ________ that I could hardly hear him.
A.  Softly
B.  Soften
C.  Softer
   D.  Softness
6. In some countries, restaurants automatically add a fee for _______.
A. server
B. service
C. serviceable
D. serve

7. The office building was slightly damaged by the earthquake, but the building inspector said that it was still _______ sound.
A. structure
B. structural
C. structurally
  D. structuring
8. Is the annual report ____yet?
(A) avail
(B) available
(C) availability
  (D) availing

9.       The students ….. English
A.                   Comprehensive
B.                   Comprehend
C.                   Comprehension
D.                   Comprehensibility
10.   My lecturer teaches English ….
A. Comprehensively
B.      Comprehend
C.      Comprehension
D.      Comprehensibility

11.    …. means getting knowledge deeply

A.      Comprehensive
B.      Comprehend
C.      Comprehension
D.      Comprehensibility

12.   He has . . .explanation, so the audiences understand the lessons easily
A. Comprehensive
B.      Comprehend
C.      Comprehension
D.      Comprehensibility

13.   He ….well.
a.       Teacher
b.      Teaches
c.       Teaching
d.      Teachable
14.   The ….speaks academic topics.
a.       Lecture
b.      Lecturing
c.       Lecturer
d.      Lectured

15.  The ….is important.
(A) alphabet
(B) alphabetize
(C) alphabetically
 (D) alphabetical

16.   It should be arranged ….
(A) alphabet
(B) alphabetize
(C) alphabetically
 (D) alphabetical

17.   They ….the words
(A) alphabet
(B) alphabetize
(C) alphabetically
 (D) alphabetical

18.  The area on the hill has a …land
a.      Fertile
b.      Fertility
c.       Fertilizer
d.      fertilize
19.   The farmers always…the land
A.      Fertile
B.      Fertility
C.      Fertilizer
D.     fertilize

20.   They need ….to fertilize the land
A.      Fertile
B.      Fertility
C.      Fertilizer
D.     fertilize



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