Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Instrument for vocabulary mastery test

1.  Conceptual Definition
Vocabulary mastery is someone’s knowledge in understanding and comprehending words meaning and can be used in arranging the sentence to communicate. The scope of vocabulary is not only in diction but also it must be suited with the situation and the person who become partner in the communication.
2.      Operational Definition
Scott Thornbury (2002:3) states there are some ways of presenting word meaning, namely word classes, word families (prefixes and suffixes), collocations (idioms and phrasal verbs), synonym and antonym, lexical and contents words. So, in this research, the researcher used word those meaning word concept to know whether someone’s vocabulary mastery concept is good or poor.
Word Classes
Student is able to use the knowledge of word classes.
Word Families
a.       Pref
b. Suffixes

-         Student is able to find the correct words which related to prefixes and understand the use of them in a context.

-         Student is able to find the correct words which related to suffixes and understand the use of them in a context.
a. Idioms

b. Phrasal Verbs

-         Student is able to choose the grammatical patterns which are related to idioms.
-         Student is able to choose the grammatical patterns which are related to phrasal verbs.
a. Synonyms

b. Antonyms
-    Student is able to find the words which
      have the similar meaning.

-          Student is able to choose the words
 which have the opposite meaning.

Lexical and Content Words
-         Student is able to choose and differentiate the lexical and content words.
-         Student is able to use the knowledge of literature and content areas to understand unknown words.


Scott Thornbury. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. Longman. Pearson Education Limited
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