Tuesday, September 19, 2017


A.      NOUN
The noun is one of the most important parts of speech. Its arrangement with the verb helps to form the sentence core, which is essential to every complete sentence. In addition, it may function as the chief or the head word in many structures of modification.
Examples :            - Nurma wants to get good mark for this semester
                             -George has good attention for this qualification.
                                                       image at www.partofspeech.org

or noun is a word used as the name of person, place, or things. Four kinds of nouns as follows:
a.       A common noun  is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind (boy, girl, town, etc.)
b.      A proper noun is the name of some articular person or place (Ani, Betty, Tasikmalaya, etc.)
c.       A collective noun is the name of a number of person or things taken together and spoken as one whole (army, family, team)
d.      An abstract noun is usually the name of a quality, action or state considered a part from the object to which it belongs (darkness, movement, childhood)
e.       A Concrete noun is something that can be smelt, tested, felt, touch.

Pronouns are words that take place of noun. Those pronouns that are actual substitute mar refer not only to a preceding noun-its antecedent-but also to a larger part of a discourse that proceeds.
Examples :            - She went to America last week.
                             -I appreciate him, for he can do the test well.
                             -My book is borrowed by him
                             -Her car is Mercedes
The following are the kinds of pronoun.
a.       Personal pronoun are used instead of person ( I, you, they, we, she, he, it)
1.      Personal pronoun as subject
2.      Personal pronoun as object
3.      Personal pronoun as possessive
a.1 Possessive adjective
a.2 Possessive pronoun
b.      Reflexive pronouns are used when the action done by the subject turns back (reflex) upon the subject. (Example: I hurt myself)
c.       Emphatic pronouns are used when there are compound personal pronoun to stress
(Example: She herself says so. We saw the king himself)
d.      Demonstrative pronouns point out person or thing without noun. (Example: This is the present for you)
e.       Indefinite pronouns refer to person or thing in general way not in particular one (one, any, some, every, anybody)
f.       Distributive pronouns refer to person or thing one at a time (each, either, neither)
g.      Relative pronoun relate to some nouns going before (who,whom,whose)

C.      VERB

Verb is the most complex parts of speech. Its varying arrangement with nouns determines the different kinds of sentence-statement-questions, commands, exclamations. Like the noun, the verb has the grammatical properties of person and number, properties, which require agreement with the subject. But the verb also has several other grammatical properties that are shared with no other parts of speech, for example properties of tense

Example :             -     Santy writes a letter twice a month
-           Andy went to the hospital yesterday
-          I am a student.

Verb as word class
a.       Auxiliary verb
1.      Primary auxiliary verb
a.       To be
b.      To have
c.       To do
2.      Modal Auxiliary verb
3.      Semi modal auxiliary verb
b.      Main Verb


An adjective describes the qualities of people, thing, place, etc.
Examples: A : “What’s your sister like?”
                 B : “ Well, she’s tall and slim. She has black hair
A : “ Is she beautiful?”
B : “ Yes, and she is smart too.”
These are the kind of adjectives, as follows:
a.       Adjective of quality shows the kind of quality of person or thing (large,honest,old,etc.)
b.      Adjective of quantity shows how much of thing is meant (some, all, little, etc.)
c.       Adjective of number shows how many persons or thing are meant. (several, five, all, etc.)
d.      Demonstrative adjective point out which person or thing is meant. (that, this, these, those)

E.       ADVERBS

An adverb adds information to a clause (e.g. about the time or place of an action). Here the kinds of adverbs:
a.       Adverb of time (which show when)
Example :

: My nephew arrived at 07.00 yesterday morning.
 I have to go to post office tomorrow.

b.      Adverb of frequency (which show how often)
Example :

: She goes to the dentist twice a year.
  Widi usually goes to campus with his sister.

c.       Adverb of place (which show where)
Example :

: She works in the rice field.
They live in Tasikmalaya

d.      Adverb of manner (which show how or in what manner)
Example :

: She teaches her students well.
The doctor observes his patients carefully.

e.       Adverb of degree or quantity (which show how much, or in what degree  or to what extent)
Example :

: She is quite young to know this problem.
 I think, there is too much sugar in this coffee.


Preposition are words used with noun or pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted the noun pronoun stands in relation to something else.
Example :

: He walks beside me.
There are some foods in the fridge.


Conjunctions are joining words. Their main role is to link together two parts of sentences.

a.       Coordinating conjunction (e.g.  and, so, for, but, or)
Example :

: My mother is cooking, and my father is reading newspaper.
I can’t decide. I have to go to cinema, or I have to stay at home.

b.      Subordinating conjunction (e.g. although, because, as, if, after, etc.)
Example :

: Although he is sick, he carries out his duty well.
Ary goes to course after he works at his company every Saturday.


Interjections are words which express some sudden feeling.

Examples : Ooh! That is a good idea.
                  Oops! I forget to bring my assignment.
                  Ugh! The taste is awful



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