Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sentence Fragment


A sentence is a group of word that consists of at least one subject and one predicate. One more thing why it is called a sentence is a complete thought.
Some foreign learners of English often make mistakes about this. They thought that what have made arranged is a sentence, but it is still part of sentence, called sentence fragment. Their mistakes could be:
1.      No subject
Examples :       - Points him his bodyguard.
-          Sings a nice song
-          Go to school
2.      No finite verb
Examples :       - She in America.
-          Robert chess

3.      No subject and finite verb
Examples :       - in front of the class yesterday.
-          In the zoo to see monkeys
-          Late for the class.

4.      No main clause
Examples :       - although he is rich
-          When we starts climbing



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